Banana Fungus?
Has anyone heard about this banana fungus that may potentially wipe out the banana we Americans consume? I have. Do I care? Slightly. You see, as far I'm concerned the only thing the banana has going for it is its convenient organic packaging. There’s no washing required prior to consumption. I can pick up a banana that’s been lying on a pile of road kill, and once peeled, it will be as clean as any other pre-washed hand fruit. The only problem I have with bananas are the taste. It’s trapped in a limbo of mediocrity, neither remarkable, nor awful. Sure, bananas taste ok… but they’re no apple or orange. Most recipes that have banana in them play second fiddle to other fruit based confections containing the likes of blueberries, apples, or strawberries. The artificial flavor version of banana is nothing to get excited over either. Banana flavored candy? Now c’mon! And those banana chips you can buy in bulk at the grocery store can all just go to hell as far as I’m concerned.
The banana is like that kid in school who was unfairly popular because he wore expensive, trendy clothing, but when you actually got to know him / her, there was little substance. Not fair, huh? It’s also not fair that a fruit like a banana be that popular with consumers just because of its peel. It needs to back it up with some flavor.
I tell you, if oranges were easier to peel, there’d be no discussion here.
you've gotta admit, though, the banana is nature's candybar in its own wrapper. very cool indeed, but the taste? pretty blah. even more so for me, maybe. my mom gave me a banana in my lunch just about every day from first through sixth grade. i hate the fruit. it's bright and yellow and sunshiney, but i just can't do it.
You jacked the limbo of mediocrity thing from without proper credit.
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