Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Hosed... part ll?

Apparently, the idea I had in a previous post regarding hosing down my snowy driveway and then salting it down has gotten me into a bit of trouble. And by a bit of trouble, I mean possible lawsuit.

My driveway’s fine, but I hadn’t taken into account H20’s ability to flow downhill and pool elsewhere, which it did, in front of an old woman’s house. Apparently she wasn’t expecting there to be ice on the ground during the winter and went haphazardly trouncing down to her mailbox, throwing caution to the wind, falling, and snapping her coccyx (tailbone). Now her son’s all up in arms, telling me I was negligent and threatening to “sue my a$$”.

I’m having them over for dinner tomorrow night to try to smooth things over. We’ll see what develops.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Mr. Chappers

Yesterday I purchased a small tortoise that I decided to call Mr. Chappers. Much like raw chicken, Mr. Chappers has the potential to carry salmonella. I thought having such a harbinger of doom around the house might help me get over this fear of germs, but only time will tell. Currently, I approach Mr. Chappers in a HAZMAT suit, fearful that his small, chelonian body is a hotel for disease.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Late for Work

Well the various holidays are over so it' s back to the grind for ol' Mitchell. I like going to work actually, as it makes me feel productive. I was late this morning because of an enhanced showering regimen I've developed.

In addition to regular anti-bacterial soap and water, I've also recently introduced the concept of completely covering myself with that anti-bacterial hand gel after I dry off. The idea behind it being that germs live in the water I use to shower and also lurk within the fine stitching of my towels. I slather it on, and within seconds, I am dry and germ-free.

In doing so however, I've added at least an extra 8 minutes to my daily preparations... something I didn't take into account when I set my alarm clock.